wtorek, 19 listopada 2013

Welcome :)

this blog was created to entertain you and give you some interesting and amusing information about Applied Linguistics (AL).
Although the reason of creating it is strictly connected with the task we were given ( in order to get a higher grade), we liked the idea of creating something that relates to our hobby. Believe it or not, after three years of studying AL (English+German) we still haven't found it boring!
The blog will be edited by three different students. Studying two languages is quite time-consuming, but even though we will try to post new sets of information regularly.
So... Enjoy!

Mouse, Cat, Puppy

2 komentarze:

  1. Girls! Finally you managed to create it! Can't wait for "entertaining" part ;)

    1. Have you already seen Lera Boroditsky? She's amazing.
      Thx for your support :))
